Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Pumpkin Patch

About a week ago, I decided I should make a hat for the baby. I haven't had time to make anything yet for him, so I thought a hat would be quick to crochet. I had hoped to crochet him a blanket but I hadn't found a pattern I liked (I actually found one the other day, so now I am hurrying to finish it before he decides to come). When I saw this hat I knew I had to make it. My sister gave me some beautiful orange yarn for my birthday that I knew would be perfect for the hat. But since the pattern was for a preemie, I made it a little larger. I made it too large (I forget how small a newborn head is). The hat, with a few minor alterations fit Anna. She loved it and James asked for one too. So I ended up making three hats.

So now I have a pumpkin patch.

The newborn hat is graciously modeled by Maggie-dollie.

James had a little too much fun with the markers. His hands, arms and feet are even more decorated.

I can't wait until Maggie-dollie no longer has to stand in as a model. Hopefully within a week, I'll have a picture of all three of my pumpkin heads.

My Anna

On Tuesday, Anna turned two.

It is still hard for me to believe that she has only been in my life for two years. It seems so much shorter and yet so much longer.

It is also amazing to see how much she has grown in the last year. And how her personality has developed.

I love her mischievous, playful personality. It gets her out of a lot of trouble. I love how independent she is. "I do it!" is her most common phrase, followed by "I did it!"

I love that she will only go to bed with her menagerie of stuffed animals: a puppy, two kitties, a turtle, Maggie-dollie, and blankets. I also love that she makes Brigham kiss them all goodnight and he must kiss them in the order she tells him otherwise he has to start all over (some nights he is even required to kiss her pillow and sippy cup).

I love watching her pick out her clothes for the day and how she loves dress.

I love watching her set the table and the care she takes in making sure the colors match or at least coordinate.

I love that she loves the temple and is never happier than when she is walking around the temple grounds.

Of course, for her birthday we had to give her a picture of the temple. She was so excited. Since Brigham hasn't had a chance to hang it yet, she walks around the house carrying it and singing her temple song. I also love to hear her sing songs, especially at night when she sings lullabies to her menagerie.

I love watching James and Anna play together. He is a wonderful older brother and so kind and gentle to her. It makes me sad that she sometimes bullies him but he takes it in stride. I also love to watch him when Anna does gets in trouble for hitting, pushing, pinching or otherwise tormenting her brother. After he gets over his hurt he always tries to comfort her while she serves out her timeout. If she is in the bedroom, he'll lay down on the floor and look under the door and say "Its alright, Nana." Then he'll put his hand under the door to hold her hand. If she is buckled into her booster seat, he'll come over and kiss her. Usually he apologizes to her (even though she is the one who should apologize) and tell me that Nana is sorry and she can get off time out now.

I love to watch her wrap her father and brother tightly around her little finger. And how happy both are to bask in her loving attention and her teasing.

I love her expressive little face.

I just love my Anna

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The difference between a 2 year old and a 3 year old

Cupcakes with lots of frosting

An almost 3 1/2 year old eating a cupcake with lots of frosting.

An almost 2 year old eating a cupcake with lots of frosting

I am glad James has learned to be a neater eater but I miss the messy faces.

Sometimes I make frosting for no other reason than I think she looks adorable with chocolate all over her face.