It is hard for me to believe that Seth is almost a month. It seems like I was pregnant yesterday yet at the same time it feels like he should be older than a month. He is such a sweet baby, so happy and contented for the most part. He puts up with his overly affectionate sister remarkable well, even when she is practically laying on top of him giving him hugs and kisses. James likes him too; he is just more restrained in how he shows his affection.
Seth was born five days early on Tuesday September 21. I hoped he would come even earlier than that especially since I was having frequent contractions for almost a week (they were slightly uncomfortable but not painful). I got to the point that I stopped telling Brigham I was having contractions since it panicked him so much. Brigham had good reason to be panicked. First of all, despite having two kids already, Brigham had never had to take me to the hospital while in labor. I was induced with James and he was Afghanistan when Anna was born. Second, I have quick labors. Anna was only three hours. Thirds, he had to worry about getting James and Anna taken care of while I had the baby and getting me from Lehi to Orem (with all the construction on I-15) in time to have the baby.
When I went to bed on the 20th I had little hope the baby would come that night or even the next day. After a week of having contractions every 8-30 minutes they had stopped completely that Monday. Someone told that no contraction is wasted and that was certainly true when I was waked a little after four by a strong contraction that Tuesday morning. Ten minutes later when the next one came, I knew I was in labor. I did not need to time them or even wait for the next one to come, I knew. I woke up Brigham who was very disoriented and a little bit panicked. We called a friend who lives one apartment building over from ours. He came within five minutes and carried James and Anna, still sleeping, over to his apartment where waking up a few hours later in a strange apartment did not seem to distress them. (I find it distressing that they were not distressed, we need to work on stranger anxiety with both of them). We got in the car and I started to time my contractions, they were three minutes apart (see, I knew!). We arrived at the hospital around 5 am, my doctor arrived at 5:30 and Seth arrived at 5:59. Yes, that means I was in labor a little less than two hours and yes, it was natural. He weighed 7 pounds 14 oz, and 19.5 inches. He was perfect.
After Seth arrived, I looked over at Brigham who was holding the baby. He looked utter exhausted, even more than I felt. When I told him this, he replied, “You just don’t know what it is like to married to woman in labor.”
“Well, at least it was quick.”
“Next time I think we should camp out at the hospital.”
“Or you could learn to deliver a baby.”
You just don’t understand …”

The proud big brother

Equally proud sister (she always wants to hold the baby)

My little pumpkin
My pumkin patch

Anna built a "temple" for the baby

Seth at 3 weeks. How he has grown. At his 2 week check up had gained a pound and grew an inch and half since birth. In the last week I think he has gained another pound and grown an inch, judging my his clothes. The 0-3 month size almost fits!

The culprits who always steal Seth's pacifer and then steel it from each other.